
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

MAJOR CATCH UP: Day 13 - 23 of Day 84

So vacation was a blast and I did not miss a beat with the workouts, even if towards the end of vacation I had a few cheats. Just one cheat meal of BBQ chicken pizza and my treats/cheats where a handful of popcorn and some M&M and another day night I had some frozen flavoured yogurt which was worth every calorie. So overall I did not over indulge and did really well. So well that even after a week in Vegas, I gained only 0.4lbs. That's right and am I proud. Usually I come back with a 3-5lb weight gain, so not even gaining a 1/2 a lb is a big accomplish for me. I had tons of energy due to clean eating and keeping up with my fitness regimen. In fact, I worked out 6 days out of the 7 full days I was there. Yes "6" not a typo.

This is what my week looked like:
Sunday: Lowerbody & Cardio
Monday: Upperbody & Cardio
Tuesday: Cardio & Abs
Wednesday: Lowerbody & Cardio
Thursday: REST
Friday: Upperbody & Cardio
Saturday: Cardio
Sunday: Rest
Combined I burned just over 2800 calories.
So there you have it -- still on track.
As of for Day 22 and Day 23:
Yesterday was a rest, even though that was not the plan. I believe that the time change from Pacific Time to Eastern Standard Time hurt my energy levels a bit and at 9am I was just getting out of bed. Today on the other hand I was downstairs working out at 6am. Great powerful Leg workout and 40 minutes of HIIT on the treadmill. Feeling great and plan to go all the way to Day 84 with great results, consistency and determination.

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