
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Day 2 of Day 84

So today marks day 2 and what a powerful day it was. My leg workout was great this morning along with 35 minutes total of cardio. As I started my 10 minutes warm-up on the treadmill, I started questioning myself whether or not my legs had it in me today. But around the 7th minutes they started feeling warm and limber and I knew that a heavy leg workout was in the cards. And strong it was!!!

Eating was great and kept it clean. Made my extra lean turkey patties and really enjoyed those as Meal#2. Meal #1 was egg whites and plain oatmeal. Had a serving of strawberry whey protein with 2 teaspoons of peanut butter for Meal#3, while at Meal#4 I had a couple of plums and tried mixing cabbage in with my egg whites -- quite good. The plan for Meal#5 will be chicken and vegetables and maybe juice some them in my juicer. Nothing like a refreshing home made juice to get in those extra antioxidants in along with some energy. On to day 3 tomorrow -- and tonight will be a great night sleep.


  1. Everything looks like it is going well for you Nancy! Great job! Keep up the great week. Just a few more days I will be joining you. I am eager to get started..

  2. Great workout and diet! I duno about the cabbage though Im not a big fan but the rest made me hungry.
