Boy can I tell I am going to have a tough time tomorrow morning. I am having such a hard time falling asleep last night and am starting to wondering if the low carb diet today had something to do with it? Well let's just say I got up, took a look at my biceps, triceps and calf workout and did so eating a yellow plum. Did not help - so I decided to chew on some gum. I did not feel hungry at all -- and it is not like I just needed something to chew, just thought I would. No reason to my madness.
I was reading My Sister's Keeper upstairs and this started making me think about how grateful once again that my daughter is healthy, energetic and full of live. Than I started thinking would I go to the extremes that these characters did in this book to keep their daughter alive, but jeopardizing the life of someone else, which also happens to be their child? I should hope not - in fact as I was reading the first dozen pages I was actually in shock that any parent could put through someone they loved in that situation. Of course, I want to go on, but for those of you who would prefer that I did not say anymore I won't :) But maybe, this is why my mind is racing and still can not fall asleep.
Than I started thinking back - what did I have do drink with dinner? Usually water - but today since i had egg whites for dinner, I decided I would have some tea. Organic decaffeinated tea -- very soothing. So could not be that ....Could not have been the cherry tomatoes or the asparagus. So still unsure.
I did not take a nap, same routine tonight -- no TV was left on --- I was not on the computer --- nothing is rattling in my brain because of family --- maybe it is that darn book. I hope not, because I can tell it is going to be an excellent read and well I have held out on seeing the movie, so I have to read the book. Yes must be the book. Now how do I solve this one? I want to read it. OK second attempt at sleeping.